@article{oai:rissho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010039, author = {岩間, 英夫 and IWAMA, Hideo}, journal = {地域研究, REGIONAL STUDIES}, month = {Mar}, note = {筆者は日本の鉱工業地域を研究対象に,産業革命以降の産業地域社会の形成と内部構造を研究してきた.日本において明らかとなったことは普遍性を有するのであろうか.この解明には,原点である,世界の産業革命が発祥しかつ近代工業を発展させたイギリスのマンチェスターと日本の比較研究が重要である.しかし,イギリスにおいてはこの種の研究はなされていない.本研究の目的は,マンチェスターを研究対象に,産業革命による近代工業の発展に伴う産業地域社会の形成とその内部構造を明らかにすることである.加えて,産業地域社会を形成する内的要因,日本の特色である企業城下町と普遍性などについて,比較を試みた.その結果,以下のことが判明した.マンチェスターの工業は6期の形成過程を歩み,工業地域は単一・複合・総合工業地域に発展した.産業革命後,弱小産業資本は,既存の産業地域社会に連関して工業地域社会を形成した.一方,産業資本が充実した成熟期には,新開地に世界に直結する外港・マンチェスター運河を開削し,イギリス最初の工業団地・トラフォードパークを造成して独自の工業地域社会を創り出した.その内部構造は,埠頭に沿う各事務所を中心に生産の工場群,その周辺に商業・サービス,郊外に労働者,外縁部に産業資本家と管理・技術集団の各居住地,の3機能からなる同心円状の圏構造を展開した.産業地域社会形成の内的要因は,経営者および管理・技術者(集団)である.特に,世界最初の産業革命の地であるマンチェスターにおいては,内的要因の基軸に,機械を発明して産業革命を起こし,消費財から生産財工業を発展させ,近代工業地域社会の形成に貢献した管理・技術者(集団)の存在があった.マンチェスターと日本における産業革命以降の産業地域社会の形成と内部構造などは,約120年の時間差があるが,本質的に共通した発達・展開を示している., This article studies the forming process of the internal structure of industry community of Manchester after the Industrial Revolution. The author offers a case study of cotton industry community, the initial place of the Industrial Revolution. This topic focusing on the structure of the industry community is not well covered in England. Therefore, this paper will fill the gap. Furthermore, by reflecting on and comparing with the history of Manchester, we can obtain a deeper understanding of the character of the Industrial Revolution in Japan. The results achieved in this study can be summarized as follows: 1. After the Industrial Revolution, the Industrial communities developed on the basis of immature industrial, commercial and financial capitals. During the stage of single manufacturing community, the zonal structure of a manufacturing community developed from unipolar to multipolar, a core and multipolar. During the stage of complex manufacturing community, it evolved to two-cores and multipolar when there were two predominant industries. Furthermore, A multicore-multipolar zonal structure emerged during the stage of comprehensive manufacturing community when there were more than three leading manufacturers in the industrial district. 2. In the mature stage of the Industrial Revolution, the industries of Manchester started to combine the technical know-how and financial support from large enterprises to implement the plans such as the Manchester Ship Canal which linked the city with the sea. It was by the advantage of the Canal that the first planned industrial estate, Trafford Park, was created the independently Manufacturing community on the south side of it. 3. This study shows that it is evident that there is a multi-core and multi-polar zonal structure in a manufacturing community. We can find that there were three kinds of functional districts in Trafford Park: production, commercial service and residential. In the residential district, the accommodations of the working class were built near factories, while managers and administrative-technical personnel (the middle class) lived outside the working class area. 4. The key factor contributing to the formation of a manufacturing community of an enterprise is the contribution from managers and administrative-engineers. At the very time of the forming of a manufacturing community, the engineers contributed hugely to the invention of machine and the advancement of manufacture. Therefore, the author stresses that the administrative-technical personnel played a significant role in the forming of a manufacturing community., 研究ノート}, pages = {16--29}, title = {世界最初の産業革命地・マンチェスターにおける産業地域社会の形成と内部構造}, volume = {58}, year = {2018} }