@article{oai:rissho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004106, author = {沼, 初枝 and NUMA, Hatsue}, journal = {立正大学心理学研究年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of the present study was to explore clinical indices for mood disorders using Rorschach Test. In recent years, the number of patients with mood disorders, especially those with major depression, has increased dramatically. As the concept of major depression has diversified, it is essential to make an assessment of patient’s pathological condition and personality for the purposes of diagnosis and treatment. Based on the above, we have been attempting to collect Rorschach protocols of patients with mood disorders and find clinical indices in Rorschach Test which provide guideposts for their treatment and psychotherapy. As a preliminary study, this study presented five case studies with different types of mood disorders and examined the relationship among Rorschach variables, Affective Category, Deviant Verbalization, Mutuality of Autonomy Scale.}, pages = {111--123}, title = {気分障害を対象としたロールシャッハ・テストの臨床指標に関する研究}, volume = {6}, year = {2015} }