@article{oai:rissho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007783, author = {手島, 一真 and TEJIMA, Isshin}, issue = {42}, journal = {法華文化研究, Journal of Institute for The Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra}, month = {Mar}, note = {I have been researching the Buddhist remains in the Republic of China for the last several years. Namely I already published and reported the finding of the research in 2008 (published in Osaki Gakuho, No.165), 2010 part 1 (unpublished), 2010 part 2 (published in The Journal of East Asian Epigraphy, No.3), 2011 part 1 (published in The Journal of East Asian Epigraphy, No.4), 2011 part 2 (unpublished), 2012 (unpublished), etc. And I presented some articles on the basis of the research. Though there are some unpublished research, I renew the report of the research in 2010 part 1.}, pages = {11--44}, title = {《調査報告》中国〈中原〉地域北朝隋唐時期佛教石刻調査概報―平成22(2010)年度第1次現地調査における基礎的情報―}, year = {2016} }