@article{oai:rissho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009629, author = {角, 幸一 and 山本, 荘毅 and SUMI, Koichi and YAMAMOTO, Soki}, issue = {1}, journal = {地域研究, REGIONAL STUDY}, month = {Jun}, note = {The authors carried out the hydrographical study of the groundwater on and around the City of Gobo (御坊), Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Non-confined water, probably no confinedwater will be expected, exists in the sand and gravel aquifer with 40 meters thickness underlain by Cretaceous shale and sandstone. About 30 dug wells are investigated on July, 1980. The results obtained are as follows : 1) Owing to the existence of remarkable groundwater ridge along the Kishu Railway line, groundwater flows to the west and to the east furnishing the River Hidaka. 2) The groundwater temperature varies from 18° to 25℃. Generally speaking, it is high on the groundwater ridge region. 3) The hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of groundwater ranges from 5.0 to 7.4. Except the coastal region, it shows weak acid on this area. 4) Distribution of conductivity of groundwater indicates sea water invasion into this area along sea coast and river mouth., 論説, ARTICLES}, pages = {1--6}, title = {御坊市附近の地下水}, volume = {23}, year = {1982} }