@article{oai:rissho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009930, author = {岩間, 英夫 and IWAMA, Hideo}, issue = {1}, journal = {地域研究, REGIONAL STUDIES}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究は、わが国の総合工業地域を代表する川崎・鶴見を対象に、かつ尼崎との比較により、総合工業地域社会における内部構造とその発達過程、発達のメカニズムを究明した。川崎・鶴見の工業地域社会は、単一工業地域の段階においては多極型圏構造の工業地域社会、複合工業地域の段階においては鉄鋼・電気機械中心の2核心・多極型圏構造の工業都市、総合工業地域の段階においては、臨海部は鉄鋼業・石油化学などの素材、内陸部は電気・自動車などの加工組立工業、さらに研究機関を多く付設する9核心・多極型圏構造の工業都市に発達した。IT革命下にある現在、工業生産都市から研究開発、情報サービス、流通都市の性格を強めつつある。また、東京大都市圏の機能の一部としての(総合)工業地域とベッドタウンの役割を担っている。総合工業地域社会への発達メカニズムは、先発企業は1極型圏構造の企業地域社会を形成する。企業の生産機能拡大に伴って、商業・サービス機能と居住機能が関連地域社会と重なって移転・拡大し、事務所を中心に3機能が同心円状に分化する。後発企業は、先発企業の占拠に制約されて飛地状に展開する。市街地化が進むと、先発・後発企業のいずれも諸制約から一層飛地状となる。総合工業地域になるほど、河川部・臨海部・内陸部と多様な立地、多核心・多極型という多種の圏構造、都市的諸要素などが重なって、一層複雑かつ広域化する。その結果、全体としては生産地域、商業地域、住宅地域(東京大都市圏側は生産・住宅の混在)に分化する。これは、1極型の3機能が工業地域社会の発達に伴い地表空間に具現化されて展開し、工業都市化したものである。川崎・鶴見と尼崎の内部構造発達過程、発達メカニズムは基本において一致する。, The author has studied the formation process of internal structure of both single and complex manufacturing communities in Japan. The present study clarified how the internal structure of manufacturing community has been formed in the comprehensive Kawasaki-Tsurumi manufacturing area. By comparison with case studies of Kawasaki-Tsurumi and that of Amagasaki, I conceptualized the formation process of the internal structure of Japan's comprehensive manufacturing communities. 1) In reviewing the author's previous studies, it is to be said that the factories in the Kawasaki-Tsurumi comprehensive manufacturing area have seen the process from those with head office to associate head offices, main operative branches and finally to those with general branches. 2) The Kawasaki-Tsurumi manufacturing communities developed from a unipolar to a multipolar zonal structure during the stage of single manufacturing area (~1912). During the stage of complex manufacturing area (1913~1939), the structure developed to two-cores and multipolar zonal. A multicore-multipolar zonal structure, that is represented by steel, electronic machine, automobil and petrochemical industry etc, has created largely during the stage of comprehensive manufacturing area (1940~present). The Kawasaki-Tsurumi manufacturing area is now characterized by residential function as a satellite city of Tokyo and Yokohama metropolitan areas. This process is modeled and shown in Figure 6. 3) Figure 8 shows the formation process models of manufacturing communities in the Japan,s comprehensive manufacturing areas made by case studies of the Kawasaki-Tsurumi and Amagasaki. During the stage of single manufacturing area, the internal structure developed from unipolar to multipolar, one-core zonal. During the following stage of complex manufacturing area, transition from one-core and multipolar to two-cores and multipolar zonal was seen in the formation process. During the more recent and present stage of comprehensive manufacturing area, multicore and multipolar zonal has been the norm for internal structure. Now, these industrial areas are trend to decline as a manufacturing community. 4) The spatial pattern of the internal structure of comprehensive manufacturing communities in Japan can be summarized as follows: a) Company communities form a unipolar concentric zonal structure in the early stage. As production function increases, commercial-service and residential functions have spread outward and overlapped with the affiliated communities developed around the company town. b) Because of the restriction of the earlier company communities, later companies form a sporadically distribution pattern. However, in proportion to the expansion of company communities, these structures have spreaded widely without any restrictions. This is common to both single and complex manufacturing areas. c) In the case of comprehensive manufacturing areas, in addition to a) and b), many conditions such as riverside, sea-coast, inland affect the structures. d) The government policy of encouragement of the private home ownership proceeds the residensial urbanization in manufacturing areas. The Kawasaki-Tsurumi case in the Tokyo and Yokohama metropolitan region being typical. The manufacturing communities was differentiated into the production, commercial and residential areas widely., 論説}, pages = {38--65}, title = {川崎・鶴見と尼崎の比較からみた総合工業地域社会の内部構造とその発達過程}, volume = {46}, year = {2005} }